
More Satya and Contentment

One of Carla’s goals is that each client creates a space in their
body and mind so that contentment can find a place to live in their


The Satya of Giving

Greetings Premier Family, I asked Carla what she would like to see for this blog. She became very quiet, thought for a few deep Ujjayi breaths and said, “Write about the upcoming Holiday season and how to maintain your bliss.” I can do that and so, here we go!...


Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga gives you the time to relax and fully invest in a lengthy stretch and mind break.


Pranayama and Karma Yoga

Prana means vital force and ayama means expansion. We can use our breath, our life force to calm down, expand our focus and cause healing.


Karma Yoga

Premier and Karma Yoga - We can take the spirit of yoga to enrich lives and help women in need explore the many benefits of yoga.